What is the largest continent by land area?#Asia #continent #landarea#Sc...

The largest continent by land area is Asia. It covers around 30% of the Earth's land area and is home to over 4.6 billion people. Asia is known for its diverse cultures, landscapes, and rich history Website: awardandhonors.com For Enquiries : support@awardandhonors.com Award Nomination : https://x-i.me/UOee Award Registration : https://x-i.me/eESY Get Connected Here : ------------------------------------------ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victoriareg... Twitter: https://twitter.com/VictoriRegina11 Pintrest: https://in.pinterest.com/awardandhonor/ #Sciencefather #scifax #LandAreaAward #BiggestLandmass #ContinentalChampion #LandAreaRecord #Earth'sLargest #TopContinent #LandmassLeader #GreatestLandArea #ContinentalExpanse #LandAreaSupremacy #PremierLandArea #LandAreaTrophy #LargestLandmass #LandAreaVictor #ContinentalSizeWinner #LandAreaSuperiority #LandAreaTitle #SupremeLandArea #LeadingLandmass #LandAreaChampion #GlobesBiggest #Earth'sGreatest #LandAreaPrime #UltimateLandmass


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