Sciencefather | Why Babies Are More Prone to Infections! #Sciencefather ...

Babies are more prone to infections due to their underdeveloped immune systems, which are not yet fully equipped to fend off pathogens. Unlike adults, infants rely heavily on antibodies passed from their mothers during pregnancy and through breast milk. However, this passive immunity is limited and gradually diminishes over time. Additionally, newborns have a lower production of their own antibodies and immune cells. Their skin and mucous membranes, which act as physical barriers against infections, are also thinner and less effective. Furthermore, the microbiome, the community of beneficial microbes that protect against harmful organisms, is still developing in infants. As a result, their bodies are more vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, and other infectious agents, making early childhood a critical period for exposure to infections and building immunity. #Sciencefather #ImmuneSystem #Immunologist #Vaccines #Antibodies #TCells #BCells #InfectionControl #Autoimmunity #Immunotherapy #ImmunologyResearch #Cytokines #Pathogens #Inflammation #Immunization #Immunodeficiency #VaccineDevelopment #Allergy #ImmuneResponse #InnateImmunity #AdaptiveImmunity #ImmuneHealth #ImmuneSystemSupport #Microbiology #Virology #Immunoassays Website: For Enquiries : Award Nomination : Award Registration : Get Connected Here : ------------------------------------------ Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pintrest:


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